Late last year, we finally bid goodbye to our washing machine of 10 years (it was my husband’s even way before I got married to him) for a couple of reasons: * It’s already an old model, and had been fixed a couple of times. * We have been using a washing machine more because my son has grown, explores a lot more, hence, changes clothes a lot more often. * I wanted these two features for a washing machine: […]
It took us about a year of searching for inverter appliances because we’ve had our refrigerator and washer for 10 years already, and thought it was time to change, most especially when a friend told me she saved atleast PHP 2,500 per month just by switching to an inverter fridge, so our hunt began. Inverters are great energy-savers, and work even better when used for long hours, so an inverter refrigerator is probably one of the best investments you can […]
At some point in your infant or toddler’s life, you might notice his/her strong urge to match everything. I remember the first time I noticed it – my son was insisting on bringing his starfish toy to the car. I couldn’t understand why, but hey, I choose my battles – so I just let him. I’m glad I did because when we got to the car, he got his book and apparently, there’s a page with a starfish, and he […]